Database Design Technology

by John Ragan

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metadata srvr

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Site Notes

Notes pertaining to the maintenance and publication of this web site.

As of 20230528,

CoreReader and CoreModel

technology and coding have not been updated in years, so they are no longer considered saleable. However, I find them interesting computer science examples, so they are not currently scheduled for removal from the site.

Copyrights are still in effect.

( As much as possible, the "CoreDate" protocol is used on this web site because it was designed for systems and people with little bagage from the past.)


An Executive Brief Covering CoreModel

An Example Of My Work

Contents Of This Document

. . . . . . . General
. . . . . . . Modeling
. . . . . . . Objective
. . . . . . . Modeler's Tools
. . . . . . . Deliverables
. . . . . . . Abstraction Levels
. . . . . . . System Administration
. . . . . . . Documentation
. . . . . . . Metadata Server
. . . . . . . Company Standards
. . . . . . . Existing Databases
. . . . . . . Internal Database
. . . . . . . Error Handling
Administrative Section
. . . . . . . Evaluation Materials
. . . . . . . Project Purpose
. . . . . . . Personal Notes
. . . . . . . Project Status

CoreModel Copyright 1996 - 2013 John E. Ragan.
All rights reserved.



CoreModel designs databases, manages a company's models, and can provide a central data dictionary.
( For relational databases. )

As of 20230528, CoreModel technology and coding have not been updated in years, so it is no longer considered saleable.
Copyrights are still in effect.


* Modeling *

CoreModel manifests the various model abstraction levels as user interfaces in which the modeler works. The modeling endeavor is presented in a way that is designed to assist the modeler's thought processes and to insure that no facet of the task is forgotten.

The modeler is not forced to do anything,
but he is reminded to do everything.

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* Objective *

A ready-to-run database that was instantiated under a database manager by pressing a button.

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* Modeler's Tools *

CoreModel includes these tools for the modeler.

Size projections.
Model validation.
Abstraction levels.
Standards validation.
Relation manifestation.
Relation chain closure.
Selectable deliverables.
Orphaned object report.
Database extraction and import.
Published model change warnings.
Lookups such as data types by brand name.

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* Deliverables *

CoreModel allows flexible determination of a project's deliverable. The modeler can choose any or all of the deliverables. Creation of a deliverable is not a finalization and can be redelivered as needed.

Selectable deliverables are :
        Model instantiation. (Database creation.)
        Printed schemata.
        Model information export.
        Model publication.

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* Database Abstraction Levels *

Each abstraction level has a GUI, and a model displays in an abstraction level for work at that level. When completed at that level, the modeler tells the system to advance it to the next level. But a manual over-ride can be used to display it in any level.

Manifested Abstraction Levels

For example, when a model moves from the conceptual to the logical, attributes become columns, entities become tables, and data types are introduced.

( A model can start at a Genesis level for special project needs. )

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* System Administration *

The administrator's module controls system and model security, offers lookup tables to support the modelers, controls the metadata servers, and configures the system.

Available Lookup And Control Tables
_____________________ __
data domains *
data types *
database types *
database connections *
brand name attributes  
help *
model access  
model levels *
model states *
model types  
model initializer  
object types  
process types *
relation types *
source types *
name standards *
system log  
system configuration  

* Available in the modelers' modules for lookup.

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* Documentation *


User documentation in a web page.

Also, the system contains the documentation and an administrator-maintained help system.

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* Metadata Server *

Has a detailed data dictionary that is kept current 24-7.

Two internal metadata servers translate models into metadata and publish it. One writes HTML for people and the other writes schema-based XML for systems.

The servers also publish warnings to flag metadata changes.

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* Company Standards *

Modelers can run reports at any time that identify properties that deviate from company standards.

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* Existing Databases *

Includes a tool that extracts metadata from a live database and builds a model of that database for evaluation and publication.

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* Internal Database *


He was run with Paradox, MS Access, MsSQL, MySQL, and Oracle until AxleBase was finally available.

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* Error Handling *

This system was built prior to the development of the AxleBase error handling technology. A retrofit was attempted with limited success.

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Administrative Section

* Licensing *

Not for sale or license. It is not polished well enough to put into production.

* Project Purpose *

Exploration of the actualization of concept and theory in computer tools with GUI's that require practical actualization.

* Personal Notes *

Concept development, and all design and coding are entirely mine.

* Project Status *

Project is complete.

History :
      Began in the nineties.
      Last update was in February 2006. web site was taken down in June of 2011.

Project statistics :
      73,778   code lines.
      2,731,701   code bytes.
      17,475   comment lines.
      38   classes.
      2,999   functions.
      77   user GUI forms.
( Reported by Seepper. )

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Technology and web site
Copyright 1999 - 2022 John Ragan

Web site is maintained with Notepad.
By intent, so don't bother me about it.